Org Types put organizations into different categories by labeling them with unique colors. When an entity is assigned to an Org Type it can be filtered from the My Leads page. Org Types are supported in both visitor tracking views, the table view and visual view. Here are some examples of when you might use Org Types are:

Default Org Types

The following Org Types and colors are automatically created on your account:

To change the default Org Type name or color:

Adding Org Types

To add an Org Type:

Adding Companies to Org Types

Companies can be added to an Org Type through the visitor tracking page or manually from the Org Type management page. 

Adding Companies from Visitor Tracking

From the Table View

From the Visual View

Adding Companies Manually


Managing Companies in an Org Type

To easily view, add, or remove companies from an Org Type:

Filtering Org Types from the My Leads Page

Use the built in filter at the top of the page to easily filter by Org Type as shown below. 

Using Org Types with Visitor Tracking Filters

Org Types can be used to show or hide visitors from your visitor tracking page. To set up your filter using an Org Type:

Using Org Types with the Hot Prospects Dashboard

The Hot Prospects dashboard (Prospects > Hot Prospects) is a list of prospects sorted by priority. The dashboard excludes people who fall into the Employee and Customer Org Types by default; however, these default values can be removed and other Org Types can be added. To add Org Types that should be excluded from the Hot Prospects dashboard: