Distribute Lead Action

The lead distribution action is part of the automation process. It's located in Step 2 of the configuration wizard. To locate the Distribute Lead action do the following

Based on any number of explicit or implicit criteria leads may be distributed using the Distribute Lead action in one of three ways. Leads may be sent to:

  1. a specific User
    1. Sends a lead directly to the selected User
    2. This use case is helpful if you know who you want to send the lead to based on the defined criteria in Step 1 of your Automation program.
    3. If a Lead Owner already exists then this option will also reassign the Lead Owner.  
  2. Assignment Rules
    1. Sends a lead through the Assignment Rules engine
    2. Assignment Rules are setup by your company. See the list of rule criteria that may be used in Assignment Rules.
    3. This use case is helpful when you need to distribute leads based on company size, location or name (for Major Account Managers supporting assigned accounts)
  3. Distribution Rules
    1. Sends leads through a specific Distribution Rule
    2. This use case is helpful when you do not need to distribution leads based on company size, location or name (Assignment Rule criteria). Instead, you'd like to distribute leads only to a specific User, round robin, based on performance or take a User's/sales person's load (# of opportunities and/or # of leads they're managing) into consideration.
  4. Hopper and Assign To
    1. Sends leads to the Hopper
    2. It's optional to assign a Lead Owner. Leave the "Select User" drop down blank to keep the lead Unassigned. 
    3. The Hopper can be used as a "shark tank" for hungry sales people to refer to for fresh new leads. 

Assignment Rules and Distribution Rules can work together to provide advanced lead distribution methods. For example, distributing leads based on location as well as performance. To do this, select the Distribution Rule in the drop down box in the Assignment Rule tab.

Keeping Leads in a Queue for Distribution