
Custom Activities track any type of activity imaginable, and can be triggered from JavaScript or from the API. Examples of Custom Activities could be:

Creating a Custom Activity

To create a Custom Activity do the following:

Triggering Actions from Custom Activities

Trigger any combination of activities using Fulfillment Actions when a Custom Activity is called. Simply click Actions under the Actions menu to invoke a Fulfillment Action and set it up.

Calling Custom Activity via JavaScript

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <meta name="description" content="%%description%%" />
    <script type="text/javascript" src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-latest.min.js"></script>
        $('#my_activity_button').on ('click', function (){
          //This is the code to add custom activity
          ll_api.log_prospect_activity ({
              activity_identifier: 'ordered_pizza__c',
              activity_info: 'Ordered one stuffed crust pizza, with extra cheese',
              activity_fields: {
                  price__c: '13.5',
                  size__c: 'Large',
                  delivery_date__c: '2016-11-20'
          }, function (response){
              console.log (response) //{success: 1, message: "Success"}
          //End of code

Using Custom Activity Data as Criteria

Lead Liaison makes it easy to use Custom Activity data in automations, segmentations, etc. as criteria. Last Custom Activity Date and Assigned Custom Activity are two criteria that can be used in the system. Note, this criteria is available for Prospects clicking Tracking URLs created after November 20th, 2016.