
Through fully-customizable forms and business card scanning, the live event lead mobile app makes life easier for sales, while the back office web app give marketing valuable marketing-qualified leads immediately. 

Getting Started

Before your team downloads the mobile app, make sure your account is configured right for your Organization.

Security Profiles

Security profiles let you control how much access users have to Lead Capture elements within the Lead Liaison platform. To access security profiles, navigate to Settings > Users > Security Profiles. Click the Edit button to the right of the appropriate profile. 

By checking the box next to Lead Capture, you can add or remove all permissions. Press the (+) to the left of the checkbox to view the following individual options:


View, edit, or remove devices by navigating to Settings > Integrations > Devices. 

Use the checkbox in the top-left corner to select and delete multiple devices. Use the spyglass symbol to search for devices by name. 


End users access the mobile app through an invitation. The invitation contains an authentication code the user will user to activate their device. 

Individual Invitations

In most cases, you should give each of your attendees their own mobile app Authentication code. You can grant users access either when cloning the templates or after creating the event form. 

To give users access when creating a new event:

  1. Clone the appropriate template.
  2. Scroll down to Event Access.
  3. Select the user from the drop-down.


  1. Click the (+) icon to add a new user.

To give users access to an existing event:

  1. Click on the Event name to open the Event Designer.
  2. Click the Properties tab.
  3. Scroll down to Event Access.
  4. Select the user from the drop-down.


  1. Click the (+) icon to add a new user.

Sending New Invitations

There are two types of invitations you can send, Individual and Universal.


Reminders help users activate their mobile app. If they have not logged in after a set amount of time, we will send them a reminder email with their Authentication code.

To enable reminders, click on the lightbulb icon next to Event Access. Then, set the number of days prior to the Event Start Date. If the user has not activated by your set date, they will get a follow up email.

Bulk Invitations

You can send Invitations to many users at once using Bulk Invitations. To send a Bulk Invitation

The Bulk Invite CSV Template includes first name, last name, email, and mobile phone. The system will send an invitation out to their email, phone, or both depending on what your provide.

All four CSV fields must be included or you will get an error. For example, you must include the mobile phone field, even if that column is blank.

After sending your Bulk invitation, you still need to provide your users Event Access. This can be done under the Event Designer properties menu.

Retrieving Authentication Codes

If a user loses their authentication code, admins or other profiles with the right permission can retrieve them. To retrieve the code

Edit a Device

Once a user has activated their device, you can edit their device settings using the action menu on the right in Settings > Integrations > Devices.

Use the trashcan icons to delete the device from your system. Deleting a device will also prevent the user from accessing the mobile app. 

Use the pencil to edit the device's name on the device list. This is a helpful option to use if you have multiple users and will be sorting them into groups for various events. 

The drop-down menu contains the following options:

If the user has not activated his or her device, you can edit or resend the invitation from the Invitations tab.

Event Groups

Event groups allow you to send forms to select users. For example, if you have a team that is heading to a particular event and have made a custom form for them, you can create a group for that show and add their devices. Only their devices will show the form. To manage device groups, navigate to Settings > Integrations > Groups.

Use the checkbox in the top-left corner to select and delete multiple groups. Use the spyglass to search for a group by name.

The system will automatically create a new group for every new Event. Likewise, users added to the Event will also automatically be added to the Group.

Edit a Device Group

Edit device groups using the action menu to the right of the group.

Use the trashcan to delete the device group. Use the pencil to edit the name of the group and default toggle.

The drop-down menu contains the following options:


You can localize the mobile app for users in non-English speaking countries. Based on their device's language settings, users will see the app in their preferred language when they first authenticate. The app will automatically translate menu options, field labels, and multi-choice options. It will not translate Event Names or Addresses.

The mobile app currently supports:

If you need localization in a language you do not see, contact your Lead Liaison representative for more information on adding a language.

To enable localization for app users, navigate to Settings > App Setup > Events and scroll down to Localization. Then select either Auto Translate or Custom Translate.

Auto Translate

Auto Translate uses an advanced translation program to translate English text in real time. With this option, users can easily switch between supported languages. The translations are very accurate, but if your organization uses special words and phrases, the app may not have context to translate properly. In these cases, you should use a Custom Translate template.

Custom Translate

If you want to specify how the app should translate certain internal words or phrases, you can upload a Custom Translate template. To add custom localization support:

Creating an Event

Events are the core of Event Lead Management. They include trade shows, conferences, meetups, and any other live event where you could capture lead data. To set up a new Event, navigate to Events > Capture and click New


When providing Users Event access, existing users will appear in a drop down. If the User is not already in the system, you can add a new user by clicking on the (+) button to the right.

Once you click Continue, you will see the Event Designer. From here you can design your Event Form. Customize the form to capture any type of data using the same process as Hosted Forms.  

Custom Attributes

Custom attributes are event metadata fields you can add to the New Event menu. For example, you may want to add an attribute for Region which could then be exported with the other event metadata. To manage custom attributes, navigate to Settings > App Setup > Events and scroll down to Custom Attributes. 

If you have Custom Attributes, users can select an Attribute to add to Event metadata when creating a new Event. 

Device Objects

In addition to the existing web form objects, device forms have several unique objects: Custom Content, Image Capture, Signature, Business Card, Badge Scanner, Audio Recorder, and Documents. 

Custom Content

Use Custom Content to add HTML 5 content to your Event Form. You can add text, images, links, and embedded content like YouTube videos or Google Maps. To add Custom Content,

Image Capture

With the Image Capture element, users can add up to five images to their submission. Drag the Image element to your Event form. The Image element will appear on the device in the same order as the Event Designer preview.

Business Card Capture

Capture Options

Enable transcription. Any submission with a business card attached will go to the 
Transcription Portal. The submission will be in "Pending" status until the transcription is complete.


Choose which transcription service to use. 


Select a default language for transcription. When set to English, Lead Liaison will still transcribe foreign languages, but will default to English when possible.

Languages currently supported for transcription are:

Specifying a language ensures we default to that language and only use transcribers certified for that language. Localized transcriptions tend to take longer, around 1-3 business days after the end of the event.

If you need transcription in a new language not already listed, please contact our support team at least one week in advance with the following details so we can make necessary arrangements on our end for the transcription:

Transcription Notes

Add special instructions for our transcribers. For example, you may ask them to use the company name as it appears on the card, not as it appears on the logo. Please note that while we will do our best to follow your special instructions, we may not be able to follow instructions that go outside of the scope of transcribing a business card. For example, our transcribers won't enter a campaign ID or default value into the Notes field. This should be done on the form.


The Signature element lets end users capture a Prospect's signature. This feature is perfect for opt in statements, non-disclosure agreements, and quotes.

Badge Scanner

To use badge scanning at your event, you must provide Lead Liaison with the event Developer's Kit at least 30 days in advance. Additionally, if the badge provider only provides a test badge, you must also provide Lead Liaison a production badge at least 24 hours in advance.

To setup up badge scanning on your form, do the following:

Regular Scans (API Kit)

End users can scan Prospect name badges with the Badge Scanner element. Every event is different and will usually have a specific barcode provider. We use a two-step validation process using both the barcode provider's test badge and the show's production (live) badge.

To add the Badge Sanner element, 

Our system can integrate with any provider that has an API kit. Here are some of the providers we currently integrate with:

Capture Technologies
Community Brands
Convention Data Services
Customer Registration
Expo Leads
Lead Liaison
Lead Retrieval
Oxford Tech API
Potato Expo
Trade Show Leads (TSL)

Please note that even if you see your show's provider on this list, you still need to follow the process above. API documentation can change from show to show, so it is important you send us everything you receive from the show organizer. 

Some providers use NFC name badges instead of a barcode. In these cases, your device will scan an RFID chip embedded in the badge. Not all devices support NFC scanning, so be sure to check your device prior to your event. Notably, any iPhone prior to the iPhone 7 is not compatible. 

Regular Scans (ID Card)

Use the ID option to scan data from North American IDs such as driver's licenses or stats IDs. After adding the Badge Scanner element, select ID as the barcode type and North America as the region. 

Make sure to scan the PDF 417 barcode on the rear of the ID. No other barcodes will return data. 

Regular Scans (Post-Show Reconciliation)

Some badge providers do not offer an API Developer's Kit and instead offer post-show data merge, also known as post-show reconciliation. Lead Liaison provides full support for this process. The workflow is as follows:

  1. Scan badges to collect an ID.
  2. The ID is stored in the Capture Portal.
  3. IDs are exported from the Capture Portal and sent to the provider. 
  4. The provider sends back a spreadsheet with appended data.
  5. The spreadsheet is imported into Lead Liaison to complete submissions. 
  6. Any post-submission processes (Fulfillment Actions or Automation) trigger at that point. 

Some providers may provide minimal contact data (like name and company) along with the scan. In order to have the best lead capture experience, make sure you send a sample badge through our Badge Scan Request process. Our Events Team can advise what type of process to expect and can configure the form for you. If you choose to configure the badge scanner yourself, we still strongly recommend having the Event Team review it. 

Configure your form (no contact data)

To configure your lead capture form for Post-Show Reconciliation, do the following:

When your users scan, the fields will grey out and display the word Scanned. Users can then submit the form without taking further action. The submissions will appear as Pending until the post-show reconciliation is complete. 

Configure your form (contact data)

Some providers will also provide contact data embedded in the badge. This will usually allow you to see Name, Company, and sometimes Job Title. If the provider is also giving contact data, do the following:

When your users scan, the fields with contact data will populate. The other fields will grey out and display the word Scanned. Users can then submit the form without taking further action. The submissions will appear as Pending until the post-show reconciliation is complete. 

Submitting Scans

Once your event is over, you'll need to export the IDs from the Capture Portal. Do the following:

The fields in the column on the left include standard contact information you'll receive back from your badge provider. The column on the right represents columns from your spreadsheet. The system should automatically map most fields; however, spot check the mapping to ensure accuracy. Imported fields will be saved into the Submission record. This process completes the submission. All standard contact information along with your custom form qualifiers will finalize the submission. Any Fulfillment Actions or Automation actions configured on your event form will trigger at this point. 

Post-Show Reconciliation FAQ

Rapid Scan

In addition to regular scanning, users can save time with Rapid Scan. With Rapid Scan enabled, users can scan one badge or business card after the next without having to wait for the form to reload. To enable Rapid Scan as an option, turn on the Rapid Scan toggle in the Properties tab of the Event Designer. 

Rapid Scan for business cards is supported on iOS devices only. Android support is coming soon.

Audio Recorder

Use the audio recorder to take audio notes. In addition to recording audio, users can also save time from typing text notes by using Lead Liaison's audio transcription feature.

Audio recordings are saved as a part of the form submission. Users can play the recording from the form or within the submission in Lead Liaison. The system will also save a link to the audio recording saved to the Prospect Profile if the field is mapped. You can map to any paragraph field.

To enable audio transcription, click the Transcribe Audio checkbox on the form element.

Next, choose one of the following transcription types:

Premium transcription is a paid service billed by the minute. The longer the recording, the higher the cost. Please contact your sales representative for current rates.

The system will save the transcription as a Note in the Prospect's Timeline. You can also save the transcription to a Prospect Field by mapping it in the Update Field drop-down menu.


Use this feature to share documents (or e-literature) during your event. Documents can be previewed and shared outside of the form or selected during form submission and added to an email for follow up. Documents are uploaded to the system and grouped into Document Groups. One or more Document Groups can be included in your event lead capture form. 

Supported File Types

Almost all file types are supported. A thumbnail icon is generated for each file type. For PDF files the thumbnail is the first page of the document. For all non-PDF files a generic thumbnail is created. File types that display a thumbnail are:

  1. .csv
  2. .xls
  3. .xlsx
  4. .doc
  5. .docx
  6. .txt
  7. .mp3
  8. .mp4
  9. .pdf

Other file types are supported but may not show a standard thumbnail. 

Adding Documents to Your Form

Here's how to setup your documents for an event:

If you're not sure of the name of your Document, you can also browse in thumbnail view by clicking the tile icon in the top-right corner.

More than one Document Group may be added to your form. When using the Document menu option on the mobile device, the list of Documents will be shown right away when there's only one Document Group in your form. When there's more than one Document Group, the user will need to select the Document Group to select Documents from within that Document Group.  

Including Documents in Follow Up Emails

To include Documents in your email when following up with your leads do the following:

Hi %%FirstName:default=there!%%,

Thank you for stopping by our booth at ___! I hope you had a safe trip back from Miami, FL. Please reply to this email if you have any questions about our solution.
I look forward to sharing more with you and %%Company:default=your company%% in the coming days/weeks.
{% if ( ___documents_set and ___documents_set.YpqGReWCKUpOAIhaX___ ) %}
Here are the docs you requested:
{% endif %}
Best regards,

Using Documents on Your Mobile Device

Mobile app users can use your Documents to:

  1. Share Documents from the Event Menu.
  2. Select Documents to include in follow up.

Tip: Long press on a Document thumbnail to open the Document. 

Sharing Documents

To share Documents do the following:

Selecting Documents for Follow Up

To share Documents for follow up in an email do the following:


Organize your lead capture forms using Sections. Sections group together common fields like contact data, company info, or survey questions. With Sections, your form is cleaner and easier to manage for end users. To add a Section

On the app, users can tap on sections to show/hide their fields. See the screenshot below. The Contact Data Section is expanded while the Company Info Section is collapsed.

Form Styling

You can add custom styling to event capture forms to match your branding and provide and exciting end user experience. To change your style options, open the Event Designer and Click on the Style Tab. 

#1 and #2: Cover Images and Cover Fonts

Cover images make your events easier to distinguish and add a bit of flare. You can select your own custom cover image, or click the Unsplash icon to select from thousands of images in Unsplash's library. Otherwise, the system will use one of 10 stock images. 

Use an aspect ratio of 1.75 width x 1 height for custom images. 

You can adjust the font color of the Event name and address by clicking on the box next to Font Color. You can either use our color selector or enter a specific hex code.

#3: Form Label Color

The color of all of the fields / questions on your form can be changed using this setting. You can change the font color of the form labels. Form labels include the Field Labels as well as Field Sub Labels (for example, First and Last under the Name field). You can either use our color selector or enter a specific hex code.

#4 and #5: Form Background Color and Form Background Image

Change the color of the form's background or add a background image.

#6: Field Background

If you're using a background image on your form you might benefit from using the Field Background setting. This setting adds a background behind each question / field label. 

Document and Section Background Color

The buttons generated for Documents and Sections inherit your themes color. However, you can override the theme color by clicking on the Document or Section on the canvas, clicking the Style tab, and toggling the switch to change the button background color and font. 

Menu Color

By default, the mobile app menus are orange. You can change the color of the app's menus from Settings > App Setup > Events

If you would like to add a custom color, please contact your Lead Liaison representative. Include the exact HEX code for the color you would like to use.

If you are already logged into the mobile app when you change the color, you will need to unauthenticate and re-authenticate your device to see the color changes. 

Menu Options

You can choose from two different menu options: the Buttons Menu and Floating Buttons. The menus to be configured per event, so customize them to fit the capture style of the associates attending your event.

Buttons Menu

The Buttons Menu is a horizontal menu at the bottom of the form.

Use the checkbox to select/deselect which buttons you would like present on the Buttons menu. Use the cross arrow to the right of the buttons to rearrange them.

If your form is in Kiosk Mode, the only buttons available will be Submit and Reset. 

Floating Buttons

The Floating Buttons are an alternative menu style to the Buttons Menu. Instead of displaying across the bottom of the form, the buttons can be shown/hidden by tapping an icon. 

Use the checkbox to select/deselect which buttons you would like present on the Buttons menu. Use the cross arrow to the right of the buttons to rearrange them.

If your form is in Kiosk Mode, the only buttons available will be Submit and Reset. 


Screensavers are a great way to display advertising and other exciting graphics on kiosk forms. To add a screensaver, click on the Style tab in the Event Designer and scroll down.

Images – select your own images or select from Unsplash; use the +/- buttons to add or remove images. 

Once you close the form using the Save and Exit button, the updated screensaver will be pushed to all devices.


If you are capturing data at multiple locations in an event, use Stations to report where your leads are coming from. For example, you could see which leads you captured at your booth versus which you captured at your networking party. The system will roll up Prospects from the stations into a single event report, so you don't have to manually combine the data after the event.

To add stations,

When exporting Event Metadata, the following options are available when using stations:

You can use these fields in Automations, Segmentations, and Prospect Filters as well.

Web View

You can launch a Web View of your Event Forms for use in virtual events or PC-based kiosks. To launch the Web View, use the action menu to the right of the Event to select Launch Web View

The form will launch in a new browser window. Copy the URL of that tab to share a link or embed.

You can set what happens when the form is submitted. Edit the Event and go to Properties > Web View.

Field visibility


Lead Liaison normally merges duplicate prospects into one profile. However, lead capture forms can create prospect profiles by name only. If you want to create a new profile for every submission, navigate to the Properties tab in the form builder and select "Create new" under "In case of duplicate names."

If you do capture an email address, the system will use the email as the prospect's unique identifier instead of the name. You can control the behavior of the system when this is the case. 

Personal Email Addresses

You can block personal email addresses. For example, you may not want to process leads who have a yahoo.com or gmail.com email address. You can also use this function to block specific email domains (a competitor's email domain, for example). To block personal email domains,

If a user tries to submit the Form with a domain on your Personal Email Domain List, they will see an error and be unable to complete the form. You can customize the error message using the box that appears below the "No Personal Email Addresses" checkbox. Note: it will only appear when the box is checked.


By default, when a device user submits a prospect from a lead capture form, the system will assign the user as the prospect's owner. You can change this setting in the form builder under the Properties tab. 

If you would like the system to override any current lead owners in the system in favor of your form settings, simply click the checkbox on the bottom.

Quick Capture Mode

When your Event is in Quick Capture Mode, the Event Form will reload after the end user hits Submit. This mode is perfect for high-traffic events. 

Kiosk Mode

If you plan on setting up a form that event attendees will set up on their own, use kiosk mode. Kiosk mode locks the app so users cannot back out of the form without a passcode. When an attendee submits the form, the form will reload for the next attendee.

To enable kiosk mode, enter the form builder and click on the Properties tab. Check the "Enable kiosk mode" box.

While kiosk mode will lock the mobile app, it will not prevent users from accessing your device. We strongly recommend you lock the device software on the app. At a minimum, iOS users should set their device into Guided Access mode (https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202612). While Android users can pin their app for some security (https://support.google.com/nexus/answer/6118421?hl=en), its effectiveness may vary from device to device. You should consider using an approved third-party kiosk app from the Google Play store.

In addition to configuring your device for kiosk mode, make sure you also lock down your physical device. We recommend using something that limits access to the device's home and power buttons at a minimum. Make sure it has a physical lock connecting it to a stand or table that someone would not be able to easily take without notice.

Edit or Delete a Form

Editing and deleting a device form is the exact same process as editing or deleting a web form. From the Events menu, use the trashcan and pencil icons to the right of the appropriate form. If you edit a form, device owners will receive a push notification letting them know a form has been updated. If you delete a form, the form and its submissions will be removed from their device.


Templates make it much easier to create new Event forms. They also help make sure you have a consistent experience across all events, while also reducing human error with event coordinators who may not be as familiar with the process.

To create a new Template,

If you give users Event Access on the Template, they will have access to every Event Form created from this Template. Only add users like event coordinators who should see every Form created from this Template on their device.

Unlike an Event Form, Templates will not appear on user's devices. Instead, when creating a new Event, select the Template from the Template drop-down menu. This will create a new form using the exact settings you used with the Template. Users can then Save and Exit to send out the new Event Form, or they can modify the new Event Form to better match their show.

You can control how much users can edit forms created from Templates. First, you can control who can add, edit, or delete fields using the Security Profile settings described above in this document. Second, you can set field permissions in the template itself. See below.

Once you've completed the Template, you can add a Fulfillment Action to it. The Fulfillment Action will apply to every Event created from the template. See below for more on Fulfillment Actions.

Fulfillment Actions

You can add a fulfillment action to any device form. Fulfillment actions are one-step, instant automatic actions performed the moment a form submission comes in. You might add a tag with the event's name to the prospect profile, send the prospect to a deeper nurture automation, or use a webhook to send a text message thanking the attendee for their time. 

To add a fulfillment action, use the drop-down menu in the action menu to the right of the form. Click on Actions (Submission)

In the Fulfillment Action pop-up window, use the drop down menu to select your desired action. 

Toggle whether an action is repeatable using the green circular arrows to the left. Use the (+) icon to add additional actions. Remember, all actions will happen instantly.

To lean more about using fulfillment actions, click here.

Importing Submissions

In some cases, you may need to import form submission data. For example, one of your representatives may have taken down a Prospect's information on a paper form rather than using the mobile app. 

  • If you're importing into an event that had the transcription feature turned on, then make sure your import file does not have a "Business Card" column and is not mapped to the "Business Card" field. As long as that is the case, then a transcription request will not be triggered. 
  • If you're merging a record with an existing record in the same event that was already transcribed, then you will not be charged as the record will only be updated. 

To import submissions,

The system will treat these imports like they are real-time Event submissions. This means Automations and Fulfillment Actions tied to these Events will trigger. 

Question Stats

You can use Question Stats to see aggregate response data. For example, you could review which of your products were of the most interest. To view question stats

Most fields will have different reports available. You can use the toggle in the upper-right corner of the field to change the report type.

The following reports are available:

Exporting Data

Lead Liaison can export event data to third party systems. To export event data,

You can choose to export the data below. The last two options have groupings of the first three options to make it easier to export. 

Once you have selected the type of data to export, continue to export following the instructions located here.

In the video below, we walk you through the export experience and how to choose Prospect data: