
Lead Liaison can connect with your Google Ads account to help measure, prove and improve marketing ROI through paid search. We pull in sales and opportunity data from your CRM and tie that in with Ads data to present a full ROI analysis on Ads Campaigns and Keywords. 

This documentation and Ads feature supports Google's Final URLs (not the old Destination URLs). Customer's need to upgrade from Destination URLs > Final URLs can follow these instructions.

Setting Up the Ads Connector

This section covers important information on Lead Liaison Google Ads Connector


Adding the Connector

Changing Default Lead Liaison Campaigns

Changing the Default Lead Liaison Campaign for New Prospects

New prospects that come to your site for the first time from your Ads ad will automatically be tagged with the Google Ads Lead Liaison campaign. To change the default campaign do the following:

Changing the Default Lead Liaison Campaign for New Prospects on Individual Ads Campaigns

To change the default Lead Liaison campaign on individual Ads Campaigns instead of using the global change noted above, then do the following:

Setting Up Your Tracking Template in Ads

You'll need to set up tracking templates for your ads in Ads. Ad clicks are sent to the Tracking Template URL for processing, then redirected to the final URL (url query string parameter in the Tracking Template) where GCLID or UTM parameters are displayed. It's up to you to decide if you want to place the template on your Account, Ad Groups, Campaigns, individual Ads, or Keywords. See Google's documentation here for help. Lead Liaison administrators can find their Lead Liaison tracking template by following these steps:

The tracking template should be the same on all of the Ads ads you want to track in Lead Liaison.

Ads Tracking Template Priorities

Templates can be applied at the following levels within Ads:

Create an Account-Level Tracking Template in Ads

First sign into your Google Ads account. In the left hand menu select “Shared Library” then click on “URL Options“. From this page you will see the “Tracking Template” option. 



Paid Search reports (under Reports > ROI > Paid Search and Marketing Search Marketing Paid Search) provide analytics on paid search keywords as well as statistics on your Google Ads campaigns. These statistics are tied back to CRM opportunity value and revenue to measure ROI. Note, right now we are only support Ads and will add others in the future. When we do, we will have multiple tabs for Ads, Bing, etc.

We automatically detect keyword data from clicks on Ads ads in Google search results if your Google Ads Connector is verified.

Keyword Report

Paid search report based on keywords. Reports > ROI > Paid Search > Keywords displays paid search ad clicks by keyword (i.e. a prospect searched Google and then clicked on a paid link/ad). 

Data in this report is automatically updated daily at 4:00AM Central US Time.

Campaign Report (Ads Ad Clicks)

Paid search report based on Google Ads Ad clicks. Reports > ROI > Paid Search > Ads Ad Clicks displays paid search ad clicks by campaign (i.e. a prospect searched Google and then clicked on a paid link/ad). Data is updated continuously and should appear in close to real-time.

Data in this report is automatically updated daily at 4:00AM Central US Time.

Paid Search Report 

Lists all paid search campaigns for drill down by Account, Campaign, Ad Groups and specific Ads. Marketing > Search Marketing Paid Search displays all paid search accounts, campaigns, ad groups, ads, etc. 

Data in this report is automatically updated daily at 2:30AM Central US Time.

Ad Groups Report

Displays a list of your Ads Ad Groups. To view this data navigate to Marketing Search Marketing Paid Search and click on the value under Ad Groups. 

Data in this report is automatically updated daily at 2:30AM Central US Time.

Ads Report

Displays a list of your Ads ads. To view this data navigate to Marketing Search Marketing Paid Search, then click on the value under Ad Groups. Once there, click on the value under the Ads column. 

Data in this report is automatically updated daily at 2:30AM Central US Time.

Prospect Insight via Ads

The Ads integration provides valuable tracking insight to help sales and marketers better understand how a lead originated, what ads they click through, and when deals close - measure ROI using ad spend imported and updated from Google. The section below highlight areas of the application where Ads data is appended to visitors and prospects.

Ads in Visitor Tracking 

When a visitor clicks through an Ads ad, Lead Liaison automatically updates the Original Lead Source with Paid Search (PPC) - Google and assigns the prospect to the Google Ads Campaign and Paid Search Program. To learn more about automatic lead source tracking see this section. Reference the section above to change the default Lead Liaison campaign and/or program for your Ads campaigns. 

Ads in Prospect Profiles

In each prospect's profile Lead Liaison records a new activity for each Ads ad click. In the screenshot below you'll see the Type as Paid Ad Click with the Activity as in the following structure Ads Campaign Name | Ads Ad Group Name | Ads Ad Name | Ads Keywords.

Lead Liaison also records the Last Paid Ad Click. This information is value for use in automation or segmentation of your data. 

Using Ads Data in Automations

Lead Liaison provides a Last Paid Ad Click automation filter for Ads activity. Use this filter to analyze or re-target prospects around Ads ad activity. 

How Ads is Structured

Routing Explanation

This section describes how an AdWord click is routed from initial click through the final URL when using Lead Liaison. There are two different types for Tracking Templates:

Pointing to your Vanity Domain

Pointing to Lead Liaison's Endpoint

For both types, the tracking parameters are as follows:

Once the Prospect is identified Lead Liaison will: