This document outlines Lead Liaison's unique, innovative and easy-to-use automation capabilities. The essence of our design is a common interface for lead nurturing, lead grading, lead scoring, static target lists (contact lists), dynamic target lists and more. Drag-n-drop functionality makes it easy for marketers to design and pre-configure advanced campaigns. The unique vertical flow makes marketing campaigns modular, easy extensible and much like human conversations.
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lead nurturing, lead grading, lead scoring, static target lists (contact lists), dynamic target lists |
Creating an Automation Campaign
To begin your marketing campaign go to Design > Automation and click the green plus button. This will create a new Automation campaign.
A popup similar to the one below will be displayed prompting you to enter information about your marketing campaign. Below is a description of each of the fields in the popup:
- Program = The name of the Program your Campaign will be part of. Programs are a collection of Campaigns. If necessary, click the New Program link underneath the Program field to create a new Program. For example, you might enter "Summer 2023 Marketing Campaigns" as your Program name. The reason for this hierarchy is to make ROI reporting simple and provide an abstracted layer for marketers to better understand marketing spend vs. return.
Note You must select an existing Program from the Program field drop down. If a Program does not exist click the "New Program" link and create one.
- Campaign Name = This is the name of your marketing campaign. For example, you might use "Sales / 6 Month Nurture / C-Level" as the Campaign name. Make the Campaign name something that you can easily identify and search for at a later date. The name will also be used in Campaign ROI reporting.
- Campaign Description = Give the Campaign a description.
- Cost = Enter the cost of your marketing campaign. For example, if you're nurturing a list of contacts you created from a Trade Show and your company spent $20,000 USD on the Trade Show enter "20000" in the Cost field. The Cost value is used for ROI reporting. For customers connected to a CRM such as Salesforce.com, Lead Liaison pulls in Closed-Won opportunities and ties revenue back to marketing campaigns.
Next, continue through the three (3) step wizard to build your marketing campaign.
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You can click on any of the Steps (1, 2 or 3) in the design wizard to move forward or backward in your campaign design. Current steps are displayed in orange. Incomplete steps are in light grey. Completed steps are in green. |
Table of Contents |
Managing Automation Campaigns
To manage Automation Campaigns go to Design > Automation and click the manage icon (white folders) buttonautomations click Automation. This will take you to a grid that displays all your marketing campaigns but filters out everything else but the Automation Campaignsautomation campaigns.
The grid that displays Automation displaysautomation Campaigns is below. Each column of the grid is explained as follows:
- Select = Select the Campaigns you would like to perform an action on. Possible actions are Delete, Active and Suspend. Check the boxes for the Campaigns you would like to take action on and click the appropriate link (above the grid).
- Name = Name of the Campaign as entered by you in the popup when creating a new Campaign.
- Memberships Prospects = # of prospects that are part of the Campaign. people in the automation without an email address. Clicking on this number takes you to the Membership section and lists all the prospects members in the Campaign.
- Type Memberships = Type of marketing campaign. Lead Liaison supports a wide variety of campaigns out of the box including social media, search terms, landing pages and more. Program = Name of the program which the Campaign is part of# of people in the automation with an email address. Clicking on this number takes you to the Membership section and lists all the prospects in the Campaign.
- Created = Date the program was created.
- Created By = The user who originally created the Campaign.
- Status = Status of the Campaign (Activated, Completed, Suspended, Draft or DraftError).
- Actions = View members of the Campaign (Memberships), edit the Campaign or delete the Campaign.
Changing Campaign Cost and Program Attribution
It is possible to change the cost of a Campaign as well as the Program the Campaign has been added to.
To change the cost of a Campaign do the following:
- Go to Administration > Settings > Campaigns (tab)
- Double click the value you want to change under the "Cost" column
To change the Program a Campaign is filed under do the following:
- Go to Administration > Settings > Campaigns (tab)
- Double click the value you want to change under the "Program" column
title | Shortcut |
- Edit, clone, delete, and tag the automation.
Campaign Status
There are five Campaign Status types. Each type is described below:
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A Campaign has an "Error" status when the list associated with the Campaign has been deleted. |
- Activated = The automation has been Activated and is either currently running or is scheduled to run at some point in the future.
- Completed = Shows for automations that have been scheduled to run only one time and have already completed. A completed Automation is one that has added all prospects to the automation per criteria defined in Step 1. It does not imply the actions of the Automation, as defined in Step 2, have been applied to the prospect.
- Suspended = The automation has been paused. When an automation is in the Suspended status all unapplied Actions will be halted. When an automation is suspended, the user can add new actions and they will not be applied until the automation has been activated again. To re-activate an automation go into the automation program and click the Activate button under Step 3 of the wizard.
- Draft = The automation is in draft mode. This status is shown by default when an automation has been saved but has yet to be activated (done in Step 3 of the wizard).
- Error = Shows when the email marketing contact list associated with the automation has been removed.