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This document explains the steps required to connect Lead Liaison with your Professional, Enterprise or Unlimited Edition account.

Table of Contents

Installation Overview

Lead Liaison is installed into in a few easy steps. Here's an overview of the installation process:

  1. Setup a CRM sync user by adding your CRM credentials into Lead Liaison.
  2. Install Lead Liaison's package through's AppExchange.
  3. Add fields into your Lead and Contact Layouts. 
  4. Setup Lead <> Contact field mappings in
  5. Use Lead Liaison's CRM configuration wizard and sync your data to Lead Liaison.

Lead Liaison's package will make the following changes to your account:


Connect to Lead Liaison

Follow these step by step instructions to connect your account to Lead Liaison. 

Step 1: Add CRM Sync User

Lead Liaison requires one user account be used as a master sync account. The sync account is the account used to send data bidirectionally, from to Lead Liaison and from Lead Liaison to The sync account is required for operation and has no material impact on leads, contacts, opportunities or any other event.

Note suggests updating passwords every 90 days. If credentials for the sync account expire then syncing between Lead Liaison and will fail. We suggest using a Admin user as the sync account to use with Lead Liaison. See the section below called " Password Profiles" for tips on how to set the password to never expire on your user account. 

Follow the steps below to enter your CRM sync user:


Step 2: Install Lead Liaison's Plugin into

Install URL

Lead Liaison's plugin is live on Salesforce's AppExchange portal. Access the plugin here:


Follow the instructions below:

  • After install, and to view the package contents at a later point show all installed package contents under 'Setup' > 'Installed Packages'.

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  • Proceed to Step 3 to integrate Lead Liaison into your layout.


Step 3: Add Lead Liaison's Custom Fields/Sections to your Layout

titleOptional Installation

If you have the Enterprise or Unlimited Edition of then it is optional to add these two sections. If you have the Professional Edition or Group Edition then you must add the Lead Liaison Marketing Data section to your Lead/Contact layout; however, the Lead Liaison section is optional. 

During this step you will add two sections, "Lead Liaison Marketing Data" and "Lead Liaison", to the Lead and Contact layouts. 

    • Click on your profile picture and Switch to Salesforce Classic

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  • Open the Leads page layout by going to 'Setup' > 'Customize' > 'Leads' > 'Page Layouts'.
  • Click the 'Edit' link next to the layout you'd like to add Lead Liaison's custom fields/sections to.
  • You will see a page similar to the one below.


Step 5: Map Lead Custom Fields to Contact Custom Fields

Next, map the custom fields added by the Lead Liaison plug-in. Mapping custom fields ensures information added to a Lead is transferred to a Contact when the lead is converted in To map fields do the following:

  1. Go to 'Setup' > 'Customize' > 'Leads' > 'Fields'.

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  1. Scroll to the bottom and click the "Map Lead Fields" button in the "Lead Custom Fields & Relationships" section. Image Removed
  2. Map each custom Lead field to the related Contact field. Your results should look similar to the image below:

Make sure to map all the custom fields added by Lead Liaison package (Lead Liaison Score, Total Activity, Total Web Visits, Total time spent on last visit, Last Sync to Lead Liaison Web App, Last Web Visit, Last Search Engine, Last Search Phrase, Original Referral Source, Bounced and Profile Identifier)

titleMap Profile Identifier

Map only the "Profile Identifier" field. Do not map the "Profile ID" field. Lead Liaison adds the Profile Identifier field automatically. This field is a formula that builds the hyperlink for the Profile ID. By mapping the Profile Identifier will automatically map the Profile ID value for you.


Step 6: Change Field Accessibility to Allow Syncing

titleOnly for Enterprise & Unlimited Editions

This section is not required for Group or Professional Editions of

To allow Lead Liaison's software to view and interact with certain fields visibility permissions must be changed for each field listed below under the respective object. Five (5) objects contain fields that need updated visibility permissions. The 5 objects are:

  1. Leads
  2. Contacts
  3. Accounts
  4. Tasks
  5. Opportunities
  6. Campaigns (if you're using them)

These settings must be applied only to the profile of the CRM user whose account is used for automatic syncing (see 'Step 1: Add CRM Sync User' section above).

How to Change Visibility Permissions


Complete Lead Liaison's CRM Configuration Wizard:

Lead Liaison synchronizes data between Lead Liaison's local database and in real-time. To configure your CRM settings for Lead Liaison:

  1. Login to Lead Liaison at
  2. Click the SettingsIntegrations > CRM
  3. Follow the wizard step by step to get your CRM account configurations complete

Step 1: Select Edition and Default Sync Options


  • If the import ran successfully you'll see green check marks on the ensuing popup. Click the "Done" button to proceed.



Step 4: Map Fields

titleHow Many?

Only create and map custom fields in Lead Liaison for the custom fields in SFDC  that you plan to use. There is no need to create a Lead Liaison custom field for each SFDC custom field. For example, if you plan to use only 10 custom fields in SFDC for scoring, grading, nurturing, segmentation, distribution, etc. then create 10 custom fields in Lead Liaison. We suggest using the same name for the custom field in both Lead Liaison and to make mapping easier. 


  • In Step 4 you can map your Lead, Contact and Account fields to Lead Liaison's Standard and/or Custom fields.
  • A field mapping allows and Lead Liaison to share data between the mapped fields.
  • It's possible to pull in only a subset of your CRM data by using the "Sync Criteria" section at the top of each mapping page. Filtering which CRM data to bring into and sync with Lead Liaison is helpful if you're using Lead Liaison for specific products or your license is limited to a certain amount of prospects. In the example below, we're pulling in only Leads in the Finance and Software industry who are also in Texas. 


  • Checking the "Active" box allows data to be imported from into Lead Liaison from the time the field is made Active, regardless if the field is mapped to a Lead Liaison field or not. 

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  • Instead of manually creating new custom fields in Lead Liaison the fields can automatically be created by checking the "Create New" box next to the field. 

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  • Once you've mapped fields for leads, contacts and accounts make sure to return to the CRM setup wizard by clicking the link at the top of each mapping page.


  • Note, you'll see some new SFDC fields on the left-hand side such as the ones inside the red boxes below. These SFDC fields are not Lead Liaison custom or standard fields; however, they are internal Lead Liaison fields and mapped automatically in the background. You can optionally create Lead Liaison custom fields and map this information from SFDC to Lead Liaison for any purpose. 

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  • Proceed to Step 5 by clicking "Next" on the wizard.



Lead Liaison will start importing SFDC records from SFDC to Lead Liaison. For each record type (Lead, Contact or Account) Lead Liaison makes only one query to SFDC and loads a list of records to process in Lead Liaison. The default amount of imported data per request is 500, but may vary from one edition of SFDC to another. If more records need to be imported from SFDC then the process will continue working in the background.



Step 6 (Final Step): Verify Data


Enable Automatic Lead Creation (optional)

Lead Liaison offers the ability to automatically create a lead in from visitors to your website that come from Connector (E-mail Marketing solution) or Send & Track (Microsoft Outlook Plug-in).

  1. Login to Lead Liaison at
  2. Click SettingsSetup on the top of the page.
  3. Under "Admin Settings" section, click 'Account settings'.
  4. Check the check boxes next to "Auto-create CRM lead from email campaigns" and "Auto-create CRM lead from Send & Track emails" to enable automatic lead creation.

Setup Additional Users

Reference this page


Congratulations, you're done!

SFDC Custom Objects

The integration can include pushing custom fields into Lead Liaison; however, does not include pushing custom objects into Lead Liaison. As a workaround, the data from the custom objects can be configured into a custom report and that report extract can then be imported into Lead Liaison.


Removing the Lead Liaison Package

  • First, remove all dependencies. Dependencies must be removed first before uninstalling. For example, assigning the Lead Liaison Lead Layout to a profile is a dependency. Change the layout profile to another profile or the standard profile first.
  • Inside go to 'Setup' > 'View Installed Packages'. If there are any dependencies removal will fail.


Alternative Ways to Add Lead Liaison's Sections to Lead/Contact Layouts


#1 Assigning Lead Liaison's layout to your profiles


To view the newly created Lead Liaison fields and sections assign the 'Lead Liaison Layout' to each profile which needs to see the data.


  • Open the profiles page by going to 'Setup> 'Administration Setup' > 'Manage Users' > 'Profiles'. In this example, we'll assign the Lead Liaison Layout to the 'Standard Profile'.
  • Click on the 'Standard User' link.
  • Under the 'Page Layouts' section under 'Lead' click the 'View Assignment' link.
  • Click the 'Edit Assignment' button.
  • Next to "Page Layout To Use:" select 'Lead Liaison Lead Layout' and click 'Save'.
  • Now you have successfully assigned the Lead Liaison layout to your profile.
  • Repeat the same procedure for the Contacts section and assign the 'Lead Liaison Contact Layout' layout to the appropriate profiles.


#2 Automatically during the "Install Package" step of Lead Liaison's Configure CRM wizard


Go to the CRM configuration wizard:


  • Click Settings > Integrations > CRM


Begin by selecting your CRM version. You can find your CRM version by hovering your mouse over your browser's tab.


In Step 2 of the CRM Wizard, simply check the box in the "Install Plug-in" section at the bottom of your screen.



This step will add only the Lead Liaison Marketing Data section to your layout. You must manually add the Lead Liaison section (visual force page) to your layout.

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