
The system can assign coupons to Prospects from an uploaded list of Codes. You can either assign coupons to a List of Prospects, or let the system auto assign through fulfillment action and automations.

Coupon Groups

Coupon Groups are all possible coupons for a campaign. The system can automatically create coupon codes, or you can import a list of codes for the system to use. To create a new Coupon Group,

Importing Coupons

If you have a specific list of coupons to use, you can upload your list to the Coupon Group. Instead of randomly generating a coupon code, the system can pick a coupon from this list. To upload a list to a Coupon Group,


Assigning Coupons Manually

You can assign individual Prospects or Lists to your Coupon Group. To manually assign Prospects,

Assigning Coupons Automatically

You can assign a Coupon automatically through Automations and Fulfillment Actions. For example, a Web Form on a Landing Page could assign a coupon to Prospects when they submit the form. Use the Actions below either in a Fulfillment Action or Automation.

Exporting Coupon Assignments

Once you've assigned Coupon Codes, you can export a .CSV spreadsheet with Prospects and their codes. For example, you could export this List to import into a Point-Of-Sale (POS) system to validate their codes. To export,