Event Directory Page

Once the event is published, you can view the event on the Event Directory page. Users can register and also purchase tickets for the event from the Event Directory. The format for your Event Directory would be:



From this page, you can sign up or log into the Events Directory. You can also search for a specific event by using the search box at the top:


Note: that you have the option to look up an event by clicking on Events or by clicking on Tags to search using a tag associated with the event that you have added while creating the event.

For each event, you’ll see an event card that contains the event’s featured image, its address or location, the start and end dates and times, and a right arrow-shaped button '>' that will take you to the event's page.


You’ll also see the options to share the event or mark it as favorite if you like.

Event Details Page

Clicking the Event Details button adjacent to the event or the '>' button on the card will open the event's homepage, which appears as follows:


On this page, you’ll be able to see the following information:

Note: If you Favorite an event, it will start appearing in the list of your favorite events that you can view by clicking the Favorite Events at the top of the page.


Signing Up and Logging into Event Directory

Anyone may view event or ticket details on the Events Directory page but for purchasing the tickets, you need to be logged into the directory. If you don’t already have an account, you’d need to sign up first and create an account.

For signing up, click on the Sign Up button at the top of the page, provide your details, and click Get Started:

This will send a verification email to your account containing a link to verify your email address. Clicking the activation link in the email will take you to a page where you’ll enter your new password and log into the directory.

Limited Sessions

Limited session provides an alternative way to log into your directory. It enables ticket purchases directly from the directory without requiring authentication through a one-time verification code. Simply input your email address twice.

Note: Users with Limited session access are restricted to buying tickets only. To access their tickets, view order history, or see their user profile in the directory, their email address must be verified to proceed.

Setting up Limited Sessions

Navigate to Setup > Events > Managed

Scroll down to Directory Authentication Settings and choose Limited

Account Options

Once you are logged in, you can click on the top right profile icon to access these options:


The profile page shows your personal and contact information.


The orders page displays the orders that you have made

My Tickets

The ‘My Tickets’ page displays tickets purchased for all events.

The ‘My Tickets’ page is separated into tabs:
All: Shows every ticket acquired for a specific event, regardless of whether it was bought by the user for personal use or for others.

My Tickets: Displays all tickets obtained by the user for a specific event for their personal use.

Tickets Purchased for Others: Displays all the tickets that the user has acquired for others for a particular event.

To view the details of a ticket, click on the dropdown next to Items.

To add the ticket to Apple Wallet or Google Wallet, click on the Add to Wallet button associated with the ticket. A pop-up window will be displayed showing the wallet options either the Google or Apple wallet.

You will be redirected to the screen below, click Add.

Once, the ticket is added, Added to Wallet confirmation message will be displayed along with buttons to remove or view the ticket.

To edit a registrant’s details, click on the Edit Registration button associated with the ticket. A pop-up window will be displayed showing the registrant’s details, allowing modification.

Note: The Edit Registration button is displayed when the ticket is associated with a ULC form.

To purchase extras and add-ons, click on the Purchase Extras button associated with the ticket.

Favorite Events

Displays a list of all of your favorite events. Once you click on the favorite icon for an event, the event is added to the Favorite Events page.