
Users spin a wheel of prizes.

You can set how many prizes, the quantity of each prize, and the likelihood of getting certain prizes.


Cover Image - Image used for tile in-app when selecting which Activation/Event you’re at.

Play Restrictions - Lets you configure if the game is limited to number of plays for activations configured for the entire event (Event Group), or a number of plays for an individual activation (Individual). 0 means unlimited.

Spins - Number of times a player can spin the wheel for prizes.

Active Status - Lets you configure how long the Activation should be playable. Options are Forever, Specific date range, Inherit from event forms dates, or inactive.


Submit Button Background Color - Lets you configure the background color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text Color - Lets you configure the text color of the Submit / Play button on the lead capture form.

Submit Button Text - The word or phrase that is displayed on the Submit button of the lead capture form.

Logo - Your company or game logo that is displayed in the top left. The logo will be scaled to height 80px on activations without prizes, and 150px on activations with prizes.
Recommended image size is 559 x 151px.

Background Image - Image file that is displayed in the background of the entire activation.
Recommended image size is 512 x 512px.

Background Fit - Gives 3 options on how to display the background image.

Stretch - Scales the image to fit the current screen resolution.
Cover - Preserves images aspect ratio, but crops the image to fill the screen.
Repeat - Repeats the image on x and y to fill the screen dimensions.

Background Color - If you are not using a Background Image, you can configure the color of the background.

Wheel Position - Sets if the prize wheel will be on right side of screen or in the center.

Wheel Color 1 & 2 - Each wedge of the wheel alternates between the 2 colors picked.

Back Button Color - Sets the color of the back button after the activation is complete.

Spin Box Color - Sets the background color of the box displaying how many spins are available.

Spin Number Color - Sets the font color of the counter for how many spins are available.

Prizes Box Color - Background color of the box containing the prizes.

Prizes Text Color - Sets the font color of the box containing the prizes.

Game Over Button Text - Word or phrase inside the gave over box when activation is complete.

Screensaver - Lets you turn on a screen saver for the activation when it’s being used inside the capture app.