
Lead Liaison provides support through a ticketing system. There are several advantages to creating a support ticket. When you create a ticket your inquiry will have:

Tickets can be created in three ways:

  1. By going to the support portal at http://support.leadliaison.com
  2. By logging into Lead Liaison, clicking the help icon (Support Portal) on the top right, then clicking the Open Support Ticket button
  3. Emailing support@leadliaison.com

The Support Portal is a single area where users can watch support videos, submit a support ticket, or view documentation.

What to Provide Support

We're able to respond to your inquiry much faster when detailed information is provided.  Please include the following where applicable:

  1. URL of the Prospect
  2. URL or name of the automation
  3. URL of the asset/page
  4. Video demonstrating your question
  5. Screenshots

Creating a Video

There are two ways to create a video that you can send to support. 


This solution is free of charge and super easy to use. We use it internally within Lead Liaison. Here's the best way to use it:

Record with Your Mobile Phone

Another way to send in a video is to record the screen with your mobile phone. Upload your video to a file sharing service such as Dropbox or Google Drive, and include the link to the video with your support ticket. 

Record Using Windows 10

If you're using Windows 10 there's a built in screen recording tool. 

Accessing the Support Portal

To access the Support Portal click the question mark on the top right of the application as shown below:

Overview of the Support Portal

The diagram below illustrates the various areas of the Support Portal.