Statistics provides valuable information on the performance of your automation. High level statistics are available on the Automations page, such as effectivity and completeness, as described below:

To view automation stats do the following:

Stats Page


The stats page shows opens, clicks, unsubscribes, and bounces in a graphical view on the right when at least one Send Email action is in the automation. On the left, key runtime data is provided. Each metric is described below:

Email Activity Details

When hovering over any column the chart will also show a percentage value. This value is determined by taking the chart value and dividing it by the total number of emails sent by the automation. In the example below, this value indicates 23.5% of all emails sent from this automation were opened. 

Clicking any column shows detailed stats in the tables below. 

If Prospects are deleted from an automation or an associated list then they will not be shown in the detailed table view; however, their activity (opens, clicks, etc.) will still be shown in the graphical data.

Automation Actions

The Automation Actions section helps identify where Prospects are in the overall flow of the automation. Each column is explained below:

Stats are collected after February 7th, 2016 for all Send Email actions. Data is not available prior to this date.
