
Tagging is a great way to organize Prospects in the system. A tag is a label that gets associated with a Prospect. One or more tags may be added to a Prospect. It's also easy to search for tags using the search box at the top of the application. 

Tagging Prospects

Prospects can be tagged from the Prospect Profile page or when importing into Lead Liaison. 

Tagging Prospects from the Prospect Profile Page

Tagging Prospects on Import

One or more Tags can be added to Prospects when importing Prospects into Lead Liaison by doing the following:

Tagging Prospects using Automation

To Tag Prospects using an automation do the following:

When using the Tag action only one Tag can be added. Multiple Tags may not be added separated with a semicolon, like "tag1;tag2". Also, the Tag must already exist.

Viewing a Prospect's Tags

To see which Tags were added to a Prospect do the following:

Searching Tags

Search for Prospects by Tags by doing the following:

Another way to search for Prospects with specific Tags is directly via the Manage Tags page. See the screenshot below to better understand how Tagged Prospects can quickly be viewed. 

Using Tags in Workflows

To use Tags in your Workflows use the "Tags" filter. 

Removing Tags

This section explains how to remove a Tag from a Prospect as well as deleting Tags permanently from the system. 

Removing Tags from Prospects

To remove a Tag on a Prospect do the following:

Permanently Removing Tags

To remove a Tag from the system do the following: