To access these settings go to Settings > App Setup > Email

Unsubscribe Options

Read more about these options hereAlso see the Unsubscribing Contacts section for additional descriptions. 

Engagement Settings

These settings help suppress bot and email anti-spam filter activity that could skew email analytics. These values can be adjusted as needed and should be tuned to fit the needs of your organization. 

Email List Settings

The settings below allow the user to change the default contact information. 

When you add a "Send Email" action to a workflow, click the gear icon and select the "Custom" radio button the values shown below the radio button will be loaded with the settings below. Also, these values will be the default values when creating a new Email List.

Keep in mind that when enabling the "Notify List Owner when Sending to a List" feature the List Owner will receive two (2) notification emails for each email in a workflow. One when the email sending starts and one when the email sending finishes. For example, if you had a campaign that had five (5) emails in one month the List Owner would receive ten (10) notification emails.

Open/Click Tracking Settings

These settings apply to Send & Track for Google Chrome.

Disable tracking Opens/Clicks on all browsers when the opener is a Lead Liaison user

This setting applies to Send & Track™ for Google Chrome. If the Prospect who opens the email is already identified/cookied with an email address of a Lead Liaison user for the same account then the email open activity will be ignored if this setting is on.