
Website Visitor Converter forms is a new way to engage and track leads, and to control access to your content.


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WVC Forms

Clicking that will take you to an overview of the forms you currently have created, be it draft or published.

This page will show you the Title of the form, the date of last action on the form, and the short code you can insert into your page to have the form load.

Add new WVC Form

To create a new form, you can click here, or on the Add New WVC Form button from the previous page.

This will bring up the new form screen.

  1. Give the form a title you will recognize

  2. Select the type of form you want

3. Text options for the form allows you to configure the display of the popup prompt asking for the information

4. Form styles allow you to customize how the form itself will look on the page when it pops up


From this page you can view the currently issued codes, along with the following information:

You can also use the top area to generate a new code either manually or automatically. Automatic will use the dropdowns to the left in order to specify what the code is for. Clicking Manual will bring up the following options


This page will show you a log of every submission that has happened, along with which Form, and the information they submitted.


From this page you can configure a handful of options for the plugin.

Datavalidation.com API key - If you have an account with them for email validation you can input your API key here. If it’s left blank, validation will not occur.

Lead Liaison API Key, Your API key with us, to allow access to the automations provided in the Automation ID fields. You create a new API, or find your old one it here:

Lead Liaison Global Automation ID - A default automation that will be used for any form. If you configure the automation parameter on a specific form, it will take precedence.