Each prospect can be added to an automation only once and each action applies to a prospect only once. If a prospect is removed from an automation then added back to the same automation at a later point then only the un-applied actions (if there are any) will apply to the prospect. Actions will not apply to the prospect again if they were applied to them previously. Consider the following scenario: - When a prospect is removed from an automation actions that did not apply yet ("Waiting" and "Suspended" actions) will get deleted. Actions that have already ran ("Applied" and "DismissedSkipped") will still be there.
- Is a Prospect was added to the same automation again then only actions that did not apply (the removed actions) will be scheduled to run on the Prospect.
For example, consider the following scenario: - Prospect added to Process A which contains 10 actions
- Prospect has 5 out of the 10 actions apply and then
- Prospect is removed from Process A
- The last 5 actions (actions #6 through #10) will be deleted
- Prospect was added again to Process A
- The 5 deleted actions will get scheduled again and eventually get applied. The first 5 actions, which already ran from being added to Process A the first time, will not run - only the actions that did not get applied (#6 through #10).