To purchase tickets, click on Add Tickets and it will take you to the Ticket Information screen from where you can select the quantity of tickets and fill in the Prospect information if it is set as optional or required. If you’ve made the information as required then users will need to either enter their first and last name, or their email address in order to buy the tickets.
By clicking next, you will go to the Activities page, in which you can add additional activities to your ticket
Then you will be taken to the add-ons page.
Then you will be taken to the Packages page, where you can add Tickets (Addons) which is an optional ticket added from the builder.
You will then get a summary of everything you chose to purchase
You can then continue to the checkout page
Notice there is a timer indicating the time left to purchase your selected tickets. After that time has passed, the tickets will be removed from your bucket and will again become available for purchase. You may also extend the timer when the system asks for it.
Once you click done, your selected tickets will appear on the checkout box here:
Checkout is a 3 2 step process:
Contact Information
Payment Information
Contact Information
Clicking on Checkout will open the Contact Information box where users can enter their information to purchase tickets. The Contact Information is required in all cases, regardless of the types of the tickets in the shopping cart.