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Lead Liaison's Briefcase provides unparalleled lead qualification capabilities for businesses. Sales people often times complain about 
"leads" coming from marketing teams. Sales tells marketing they are not leads, rather, they are contacts. Sales people have a reason to make this claim; 80% of marketers pass unqualified leads to sales. To make matters worse, 80% of leads marked "unqualified" will make a purchase within 18 months.  It's imperative businesses qualify their leads. Marketing can helps sales by using automated technology. Lead Liaison provides various lead qualification methods to solve this problem such as lead scoring, lead grading, buy signals, recency and total activity to calculate one value, priority. Now, sales people have a dashboard for their leads. Instead of sifting through a massive, database with no sense of priority they now have a single view for who's hot and who's not. Sales effectiveness has reached new heights.



Default View

Briefcase leads are sorted by Priority by default. Priority measures the number of items in the customer's briefcase for a given lead. 


Each parameter in Briefcase has a Weight value. A Weight value multiplies the calculated value by the the value of the Weight. For example, if there are 3 clocks for Recency and the Weight value is "x3" then the number of points attributed to the Priority value would be 9 (3 clocks x 3 for Weight).

Here are a few additional examples of calculating Priority with Weights:

  • Recency has 3 clocks , buy signals has 3 piggy banks and lead score with x1 Weight, Buy Signals has 3 bells with x2 Weight and Lead Score has 2 peppers with x3 Weight. Total = (3 x 2 1) + (3 x 2) + (2 x 3) =  11 15. With a total of 11 items you would show 2 flames (since item count is between 9 and 1215 points 4 flames would be shown since the point value of 15 is greater than 12 (assuming the default setting for 4 flames)
  • Recency has 1 clock , total activity with x4 Weight, Total Activity has 2 runners with x1 Weight. Total = (1 x 2 4) + (2 x 1) =  4  6. With a total of 4 items you would not show any flames (since item count is below 5)6 points 2 flames would be visible.
titleWeight Range

Weights range from x1 to x5

Briefcase Settings

Briefcase settings are located here:

  • 'Administration' > 'Settings' > 'Prospect Profiling'

Here's an explanation of what each of those values does:lead qualification parameter does.







Measures the hottest leads based on a formula calculated from Recency, Buy Signals, Lead Score, Total Activities and Lead Grade.

  • 3 4 flames = > 12 items points in your briefcase
  • 2 3 flames = between 9 to 12 items points in your briefcase
  • 1 2 flame = between 5 to 8 items points in your briefcase
  • 1 flame = between 1 to 4 points in your briefcaseNote, the above values are the default settings.



Measures inbound activity. The more recent the inbound activity the higher the ranking received.

  • 3 clocks = inbound activity within 1 week
  • 2 clocks = inbound activity between 1 week and 1 month
  • 1 clock = inbound activity between 1 month and 3 months


Buy Signals

Measures buy signals. The more recent the Buy Signal the higher the ranking received.

  • 3 banks bells = at least one buy signal received within 1 week
  • 2 banks bells = at least one buy signal received between 1 week and 1 month
  • 1 banks bells = at least one buy signal received between 1 month and 3 months  

Piggy Bank Bells

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Lead Score

Measures lead score. This value is based of our customer's setting here: on your lead score Cold, Warm and Hot settings under 'Administration' > 'Settings' > 'Prospect Profiling' (top of page).

  • 3 peppers = hot lead
  • 2 peppers = warm lead
  • 1 pepper = cool lead  


Total Activities

Measures total activity. Uses rules defined by Lead Liaison to determine a leads total activity.

  • 3 runners = total activity > 50
  • 2 runners = total activity between 26 and 50
  • 1 runner = total activity between 10 and 25


Lead Grade

Determines if the lead fits a customer's ideal buyer persona.

  • 3 thumbs up = A+, A or A-
  • 2 thumbs up = B+, B or B-
  • 1 thumbs up = C+, C or C- 

Thumbs Up


  1. See the mockup below. This is how Briefcase should look within
  2. Drop down on top right
    1. The user has 3 choices, either My Leads, My Favorites or My Company. Each choice is explained below:
      1. My Leads = Only displays briefcase prospects where the user is the lead owner. 
      2. My Favorites = Only displays briefcase prospects that are marked as a favorite and have the lead owner as the user. 
      3. My Company = Shows all prospects for our customer.
      4. The difference is that a sales person might use the My Leads and My Favorites view whereas a VP of Sales (managing an entire sales team) might use the My Company view. 
  3.  Hot Prospects vs. Hot Accounts
    1. Hot Prospects shows briefcase prospects just like the mockup below
    2. Active Accounts shows only accounts sorted by an Inbound Activity column. 
      1. You'll need to add up all Inbound Activities for like accounts. 
      2. In this view, you will only show the Inbound Activities (new column), Account, Most Recent Activity and Watch column. 
      3. The View drop down on the top right will show My Accounts and My Company. My Accounts shows only accounts where the user is the account owner. My Company shows all the customer's accounts. 
  4. Activities column
    1. Shows the Total Activities number
  5. Lead Status column
    1. Shows the lead status value
  6. Most Recent Activity column
    1. This is the most recent activity for Inbound Activity (not total activity). 
  7. Prospect column
    1. Under the prospect column place the prospect's name.
      1. link the prospect's name to the SFDC record. 
      2. place the prospect's title underneath the name. 
      3. show the icon for a SFDC lead or contact in front of the name
        1. SFDC contact icon example:
        2. SFDC lead icon example:

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  • Here's how a competitors view looks:

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Settings Page
