Email bounces are automatically processed by Lead Liaison. After processing your emails, subscribers will be marked appropriately, and you can access all bounce related statistics from the Statistics ? Email Campaign Stats or Statistics ? Contact List Stats pages. Hard bounces will mark a Subscriber as "Bounced" by the application after one bounce, and deal with problems like "email address doesn't exist" or "invalid domain name". Soft bounces take 5 times to remove a subscriber from your list, and deal with more common problems like "relay problem" or "mailbox is full".
Lead Liaison also has a process to configure DKIM/DomainKeys, SenderID and will support you when setting up your SPF record.
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Monitor Feedback Loops
Each ISP sets up a feedback loop. A feedback loop is a way for recipients to directly communicate complaints with an ISP and allow the ISP to communicate the complaint to the offender. The feedback loop is used to monitor complaint rates and make sure you aren't hitting any spam traps. There are several feedback loops Lead Liaison will sign your IP address up for. Lead Liaison will monitor feedback loops on your behalf.